Friday, August 19, 2011

SPY KIDS IN 4D!!!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ok, first things first:
I realize that this blog is called "Beyond the Bunion" and I have a big ole bunion on my right foot....but let's just overlook that.  The right foot is the The Good Foot, so I'll take it with a bunion.

For those new to my writing, my original impetus for blogging was a Sarcoma tumor on my knee.  It looked very much like a bunion; thus the nickname "Knee-Bunion".  I left that blog behind, when I left that "ordeal" behind.....but it has limpily caught up with me again.

Introducing my Floppy Foot.  This is due to nerve damage from radiation and surgery from 2007.  It worked fine until the fall of 2010.  It's strange that my foot operated perfectly until then...and the docs are stumped.

I have some more tests next week.

I'm learning how to get used to it.  Makes for a funny video,though, eh?

Key Lime pie for breakfast.

I don't know what woke me up the first time.  I shouldn't have looked at the clock.  Once I saw that it was 3:45 am, my brain started moving.  I tried hard to just think about getting to sleep...but my thoughts wandered all over the place and ended up in the fridge.  I happen to have some Key Lime pie in there.

I might have drifted in and out of a restless sleep for the next 2 hours.  (I hope so because this is going to be a bizizzy day, without time for my favored power-siestas AND it's a work night.)  I thought about all kinds of stuff going on right now: school starting, laundry...a new phase in my work-life, marital stuff, house renovations, bikini waxing....floppy-foot-itis.....key lime pie...

Then, as I was drifting off to sleep, I felt a tickle.  "Oh, that Junior...his fur sure is soft", i thought, as i felt my dog at my feet. I felt it again near my face, but just brushed away what was sure to be a stray hair bothering me.  When i felt the same familiar tickle on my hand, I had to jump up and turn on the light to confirm my dreaded suspicion: i screamed when i saw the odd looking bug.  While I was slightly relieved to see that it wasn't a roach, I was WIDE awake by then.  Time for some Key Lime.

(that's some eggs and fruit for breakfast, no? well, anyway; i had some milk, too, so maybe there is some nutritional value in there somewhere!)

Sooooo.....what's the latest keeping me awake these days? I reckon it will take several posts to get caught up, but I am up for it.  I was so pleased to see the comments awaiting me from my last few meager entries; thank you all for reading.  This is a touch-stone of sorts for me.

 I can't stand complainers, or worse yet, hearing myself complain; yet that seems to be the bulk of what's been occupying my thoughts recently.  I've sunken into one too many "pity parties" and I am tired of it...sooo ready to move on! I'm ready to dig out of this rut.

Good thing i ate breakfast!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sweet Reunion...

Oh! This is so true: we don't realize what we have, until it is gone!!!

I just got home with my trusty ole friend, LapTop, after having had him gone for a week.  Granted, he has slimmed down almost beyond recognition....but I'll get him back into shape toute suite!!  I'm just so glad to have him back.  I didn't realize how much time we spent together, until he decided to take a long, stubborn & selfish nap. I suppose I can learn to forgive him for losing...or eating? pictures and other data.  Thankfully, we have some support to help heal our relationship.  I think everything is going to be ok....I just thought I'd share that with everyone.

It's good to be back.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year...."

I used to HATE this commercial...but that was back when i was a teacher, and this commercial mocked the painful end of the summer.  I really didn't "get it" at all!

Of course, that was also before I was a PARENT.  Now I can't seem to get this song out of my head.