Monday, March 9, 2009

Hell for the ADD-Afflicted

Since my son is close to being 5, and i have been in the enigmatic"Mom-Time-Warp*" (when the hours either creep by or you complain that there are never enough hours in the day to get anything done....yet the years still fly by.....), i have forgotten many things associated with having a bambino around. Namely, how crazy it makes me feel.

It's no secret that i'm somewhat ADD-Riddled. Either you've read something i've written here about it, or you've tried to have a conversation with me...i can bet you may have noticed. A couple of years ago, I started taking meds for it and have actually been able to get stuff done, ponder thoughts for more than a millisecond and follow a conversation. It's been great, I've felt successful and......

.....sorry. I just had to go wipe some green snot off my little distraction.

So....what was i talking about? i don't even know now, because now i have to break to go fetch something un-baby-approved from some little mitts....

ok...where was i? oh well...that thought is far gone......i better get to the point of this blog; i was going to describe my average morning.

Breakfast with the young'uns. First, i get mine fed and make some coffee (not always in that order!) Then my little part-time-pipsqueak arrives and i feed him some breakfast. That usually goes smoothly, then the little'un is content to sit in the high chair while i clean up kitchen. This is a very unpredictable, limited time....interspersed with doling out banana slices to keep him i have to HUSTLE! In between washing dishes and wiping counter, i am picking up his water bottle countless times. This has actually become very routine and i can do it effortlessly without it seeming like a distraction......but dishes sure take a long time these days.

I usually have to RUSH to the bathroom while he is in his chair because i never know when i'll get a chance to once he's out....

WE INTERRUPT THIS BLOG FOR ANOTHER DISTRACTION... this one is crawling away at a surprisingly fast pace.....i'll have to finish this later....

(maybe i need to increase my meds)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Whoa, Baby!

i'm finally getting around to blogging!! Yes!
Is there anyone else out there still trying to "get off to a good New Year", even though its MARCH!?!?!

I have still managed to get online to check my friends' blogs regularly (..and boy, am i disappointed when they don't write!) Daily, I think I've thought of something to write about...then, before i know it, the day is gone and i am spent. Today...i actually don't' even have anything interesting to write about, rather than an update on what i've been doing, but i realized i actually have some time--SOME TIME!!! So, I've logged on.

What's up?
Well, rather than my usual time burdens that i can't seem to manage (impending perpetual laundry, grocery shopping, exercise, etc....) I am still successful at making time to make art, which used to be my main 'challenge'. I have plans to write about that....eventually. hopefully.

I'm also *trying* to be better about planning meals to eat healthier and at home with the family...but i'm struggling with planning ahead for this. Which means we are still ordering pizza once a week and eating out (crap*) more than i'd like/ more than we can afford.
* Healthy Eating Out in our town is really limited.

SO..the biggest change in our life this year, my main diversion and reason for not checking in with you dear readers, is currently trying to chew on my toe. (Poor thing...if he had any idea how long i've been wearing these socks, he'd find something else to chew on. HEY! its been really cold lately....) he's gotten into something that i need to go intervene....i'll be right back.....

.......and so it goes.

I am now a Semi-Supernanny, with a Part-Time Baby from 8-3, Monday thru Friday. He is a darling, little blue-eyed 8 month old ball of energy. He hardly ever cries, is very good natured and has ninja-like balance, so he barely ever falls down. He is a good age to be able to actually put down and watch for a few minutes while you finally get to go to the bathroom...(or blog)....but i'm still getting used to to it.

In fact....its naptime, so i've gotta go. As i settle into our "routine" a little more, i promise to return. I also promise not to lapse into the Baby Talk, as i've already found myself doing on occasion.

Unless you want to hear about how cute it is when he blows huge snot bubbles from his nostrils. It really is funny.....especially when you havent had adult interaction for hours....its hilarious.