Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ok, first things first:
I realize that this blog is called "Beyond the Bunion" and I have a big ole bunion on my right foot....but let's just overlook that.  The right foot is the The Good Foot, so I'll take it with a bunion.

For those new to my writing, my original impetus for blogging was a Sarcoma tumor on my knee.  It looked very much like a bunion; thus the nickname "Knee-Bunion".  I left that blog behind, when I left that "ordeal" behind.....but it has limpily caught up with me again.

Introducing my Floppy Foot.  This is due to nerve damage from radiation and surgery from 2007.  It worked fine until the fall of 2010.  It's strange that my foot operated perfectly until then...and the docs are stumped.

I have some more tests next week.

I'm learning how to get used to it.  Makes for a funny video,though, eh?

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