Monday, March 9, 2009

Hell for the ADD-Afflicted

Since my son is close to being 5, and i have been in the enigmatic"Mom-Time-Warp*" (when the hours either creep by or you complain that there are never enough hours in the day to get anything done....yet the years still fly by.....), i have forgotten many things associated with having a bambino around. Namely, how crazy it makes me feel.

It's no secret that i'm somewhat ADD-Riddled. Either you've read something i've written here about it, or you've tried to have a conversation with me...i can bet you may have noticed. A couple of years ago, I started taking meds for it and have actually been able to get stuff done, ponder thoughts for more than a millisecond and follow a conversation. It's been great, I've felt successful and......

.....sorry. I just had to go wipe some green snot off my little distraction.

So....what was i talking about? i don't even know now, because now i have to break to go fetch something un-baby-approved from some little mitts....

ok...where was i? oh well...that thought is far gone......i better get to the point of this blog; i was going to describe my average morning.

Breakfast with the young'uns. First, i get mine fed and make some coffee (not always in that order!) Then my little part-time-pipsqueak arrives and i feed him some breakfast. That usually goes smoothly, then the little'un is content to sit in the high chair while i clean up kitchen. This is a very unpredictable, limited time....interspersed with doling out banana slices to keep him i have to HUSTLE! In between washing dishes and wiping counter, i am picking up his water bottle countless times. This has actually become very routine and i can do it effortlessly without it seeming like a distraction......but dishes sure take a long time these days.

I usually have to RUSH to the bathroom while he is in his chair because i never know when i'll get a chance to once he's out....

WE INTERRUPT THIS BLOG FOR ANOTHER DISTRACTION... this one is crawling away at a surprisingly fast pace.....i'll have to finish this later....

(maybe i need to increase my meds)


Chrissy said...

HA! This is the funniest things I've read all day. I think you're problem is less ADD, more two kids under the age of 5. That sounds like a tough job - I salute you!

Zay said...

so...what were you saying? :)


Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with nothing, but just in case you didn't know about this, here it is.