Monday, August 31, 2009

Who gets up at this ungodly hour?

It's still dark!

I tried getting up at 5:45 last week, but didnt' take into account the time i need to drop things, stare into space and basically, wake up. I felt like i barely made it to work in time for my 7:05 duty.

Yes...i said work. And duty....and 7:05!!! Yikes.

(we pause for a moment of staring out the window for no apparent reason.....?)
Wake up!!!

The last month has been a blur of cleaning, organizing, inventorying & planning. Then school started. The kicker is that, even though i've been working my tail off for weeks now, the pay cycle doesn't start until the end of September for me. I HAVE ANOTHER ENTIRE MONTH BEFORE I EVEN SEE A PAYCHECK!!

I now resolve, however, to start paying attention to things that are important to me again. In the face of the First Day of School "deadline", i spent every waking moment dedicated to Taking Care of Business. In that process, i missed several clogging classes, haven't done any ceramics, have fallen behind on my emails & phone calls, missed several friends' birthdays, haven't talked to my preggar sister in weeks.... and have watched too many of my beloved plants die!

Last night, i finally broke that pattern to go to a friend's house for fondue and, fondly, Mad Men. I actually considered missing that get-together to go up to my classroom...what a mistake that would of been. I saw so many gal-pals, who i have missed since the beginning of the summer...and now i feel recharged. I'm baaaaa-ack!

New Work-Me-Philosophy: When it comes to personal interests, Igno-No-More!!

(this blog has been interrupted for a coffee break....where writer got distracted and started wiping off counter....)

where was i?
where am i?
what am i doing? i need to go get ready for work......