Sunday, February 15, 2009

funny at five a.m

this is HA-larious!!

i couldn't sleep. I'm the only one in the house awake, and yet, this made me laugh out-loud and feel compelled to post a link.

I tell peops about this website often, so i figured i'd make it a little easier for you.

These writers have the funniest way of describing always amuses me. I mean, check out this description of this big goofy blue dress:

"KATY: No, no, it's great and all, but... look, if Violet Beauregard rolled herself out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and started a fashion line, and Bjork became her main investor, your muumuu would be their first collaboration. "

Plus, its very entertaining to poke fun at celebrities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try this one sometime

-Steve Mc.