Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmastime is here!

wow. where did the last several weeks go? thanksgiving came and went in a dizzying blur of grandparents, gobbling and goofing off!

its way late and i can't sleep, but i figured i'd check in.
i did say i'd do that more often, didn't i?

since i'm too tired to write about all the past weeks events...i'll try to summarize.

i am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. It is such a joy to watch my son's relationship with my parents blossom into something special. It makes me smile just thinking aobut it.

My friends are priceless...i even love the friends of my friends. what would we do without each other? I don't even want to know.

there are so many fun festivities around town this time of year...its fabulous! i think that's why i couldn't sleep tonight; i keep thinking about all of the fun things to do over the next few weeks. I've also been trying to process all the folks and fun from the last few days. (Friday Raku party with the "Dirt Dobbers" Ceramics club, Saturday 9 Flags Festival, and all that entails, Entertaining at the Art Center, Christmas Parade, then 2 parties, Sunday Christmas Cantata at church! whew!)

To think that its only just started....
i'll try to be better about staying in touch here. I think my Sleepytime Tea is kicking in.

I'm sending out warm wishes to all the people i love!!!

1 comment:

Zay said...

I'm just going to assume that I am one of your people that you love and I love you too. :)